Monday, December 31, 2007

Buy Your Game Consoles Online

Gone are the days when you had to spend a fortune just to play your favorite video game in mall arcades. Now, modern video game systems are available. Children of all ages can enjoy their favorite video games at home.

There are a lot of popular game consoles such as Nintendo’s Wii, Sony’s Play Station 3 and Microsoft’s XBOX 360. Modern technology allows a gamer to experience high definition visuals and impressive combats.

These popular consoles come with a price, of course. They don’t come that cheap. Good thing that like other electronic products, we can order our favorite gaming systems online. With the help of the internet, you don’t have to go through the hassles of personally going to the department stores.

There are several websites that you could use where you can order a game console online. Auction web sites such as ebay are probably the cheapest place where you can get a game console.

Of course, you could also try to visit the websites of the game system’s manufacturers. From there, you’re sure that you’ll get the warranty that should come with a new purchase. You’ll also be paying the official retail price of the system.

The best part of buying online is that you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home when comparing prices. Just browse through the different websites using your favorite search engine and then make the purchase.

The first thing you need to do is to some research. Check that the website you’re going to purchase from is secure. In making a purchase, you have to provide your credit card information, thus, ensure that you’re not providing any personal information to some bogus companies.

Next, since you’ll have access to hundreds of websites selling all the gaming systems available, you can make sound judgments on what kind of gaming system would best fit your needs. You’ll have to take into consideration not only the features but also the price of the game consoles.

And finally, after you’ve made the choice, you’ll then pay for it. Shipment usually takes less than a week. After then, you can enjoy playing your video games. If you’re not satisfied by the built-in games that came with your system, you can always purchase more games online and also have them delivered to your place.

With modern technology, everything seems so highly digitized. You can always get something hi-tech so conveniently.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Buy a Nintendo Wii

It was called “Nintendo Revolution.” Nintendo Wii is the Nintendo Version that plays NTSC and encodes any disc format. With its cool look, the latest Japanese console is made of top-notch materials and comes with a compact, witty design.

Nintendo has taken on the approach of improving its entire system and not just taking from what their competition released. The Nintendo Wii controller that is special-motion sensitive.

The difference is that you can punch, drive or strike a sword by turning your wrist instead of pushing the button.

Its size is three DVD cases piled atop another. It is available in a silver stand, enabling the system to be displayed horizontally or vertically.

If you have been a Nintendo fan over the years, this console can play games compatible with the Nintendo GameCube. It can also download fan-favorite titles from the past 20 years for Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

The Wii costs at around $250. This rate is cheaper than the Microsoft Xbox 360 and way cheaper than Sony PlayStation 3. The packaging of the Nintendo Wii includes a sports game that is quite addictive. That alone will let you feel first-hand what the system’s controller is all about.

In recent news, Nintendo Wii has outsold Sony’s PlayStation 3. Both components were released toward the end of the year (the former was available mid-November while the latter in mid-December).

There was a speculation that PlayStation 3 will be the best-selling game console all over the world. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

Nintendo has managed to ship 4 million Wii’s worldwide on December 31. That is twice the number of PlayStation 3's promised to deliver. As 2006 closed down, Nintendo had already sold 600,000 Wii eight days after it debuted on November 19.

It could be the price. Nintendo Wii can be purchased at $250 whereas a Sony PlayStation 3 costs $600.

If all these have sparked your interest, you can buy Nintendo Wii in your local stores. You can also buy them online – and You can compare prices from one store to another. Some sell them cheaper than the standard price.

By buying it on eBay, you also get a discount. That depends though whether you’re willing to go for a second-hand console.

However anyway you decide to get it, seems like Nintendo has managed to do well with this system.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Accessorize Your XBox

Just like a car, Microsoft XBox consoles also have accessories. If you search for it online, there is an additional tax for shipping and delivery rate. You can get your Xbox accessories on or even on

However, the XBox enthusiasts get theirs at toy stores. Besides, it is cheaper. Here is a list of the available accessories for the Microsoft XBox.

1. XBox Controllers

These are standard accessories, meaning they are made available when you buy the system. But some gamers tened to overuse their controller that they soon need a new one.

It is interesting to note that there is an array of XBox controllers available on the market. Like there are wireless controllers, XBox Eclipse controller, XBox Afterglow controller and so much more. It is all up to the gamer which one to get.

2. XBox Arcade Sticks

There are some games available for the XBox that can be controlled by arcade sticks for better game play. As opposed to the controller, arcade sticks can allow the gamers to flick their wrists more, therefore, there’s better control.

Best example where the XBox Arcade Sticks are compatible are the fighting games for the console.

3. XBox Steering Wheels

If there are fighting games, there are also driving games. Thanks to XBox Steering Wheels, the gamer can sit right in front of the TV set and drive away.

4. XBox Memory Cards

Memory cards aren't included when you buy an XBox console. This is because it isn't an essential accessory since the XBox has an 8 GB harddisk build-in. This can let the player save all his game information.

An XBox memory card is used when transferring a saved game from one XBox console to another. Some serious gamers also prefer that they back up their games, especially when it is a valued endeavor.

XBox memory cards are perfect for hardcore gamers. It is inserted in the console and plugged into the sockets on its two memory card slots.

5. XBox Headset with Communicator

The most successful game in the entire XBox franchise is “Halo”. Released in 2004, it is still as popular as ever. A headset with a communicator lets the gamer interact with the other players of “Halo” making it more real.

Friday, December 28, 2007

A Quick Guide to Online Gaming Forums

Anything that affects a large chunk of the world population almost always gives way to a support group with members ready to share tips, discuss problems, make friends, and simply hang out together where their primary concern – or passion – in life is also the focal interest of the group. And that’s what an online gaming forum basically is: a support group made by, for, and of online gamers.

Why Online Gaming Forums Are Made

Founding or organizing members behind online gaming forums have certain reasons or goals for creating an online center for people that share their interest, and these reasons can also be seen as benefits of joining online gaming forums.

(Live) Information Exchange – Although there are various websites which you can find online providing the information you seek about a particular online game, you’ll find more detailed information in online gaming forums. You can also ask additional questions pertaining to the topic and expect almost instant replies from other members who are online as well.

Reliving the Moment – Say, for instance, you’re a booklover. Don’t you find it incredibly pleasant to discuss old and new favorites, talking about the scenes that you loved most, the characters that you can’t get enough of, plots that still haven’t failed in boggling your minds, and endings that you absolutely hated? That’s just another thing that you can do in online gaming forums: talk about your favorite online gaming moments – even if it’s just something as simple as winning the jackpot at the craps table – and know that the people you’re talking to won’t feel exasperated. Why would they when they feel exactly the same as you do about online gaming?

New Friends and Companions – An online gaming forum is also the best place you can go to if you wish to meet new friends who share similar interests with you – in this case, that would be online gaming. People you meet in forums is usually an interesting mix with members coming from all parts of the world, and all walks of life.

Other Perks and Privileges – Registering membership in an online gaming forum can gain you access to exclusive features of the forum, and occasionally receive bonus perks and privileges of all sorts that can only enrich your online gaming experience.

If and when you do join an online gaming forum, however, make sure that you carefully read the terms and conditions of membership before signing up. Secondly, always treat other members with courtesy and respect. Have fun at your new virtual chill out place!